Since I’ve been your Senate Public Safety chairman,
there have been …

48 school shootings.
0 gun-safety measures.

10 school shootings in Georgia in 2024 (so far).

It’s not just our schools.

  • Since I took office, firearm-related deaths in Georgia are up 58%.

  • In the past 5 years, alone, firearm-related deaths of Georgians under 17 years old have increased by 97%.

  • The suicide rate for Veterans in Georgia is 10% higher than the national average.

9 school shootings in Georgia in 2023.

My action and inaction as a legislator contributes to this violence.

  • I sponsored and voted to loosen firearm restrictions in public places (2022, 2021).

  • I voted to authorize concealed carry at colleges and universities (2016).

  • I voted to authorize concealed carry at K-12 schools (2014).

  • I voted to loosen open carry and possession laws (2022).

  • I voted for interstate gun-permit reciprocity (2022, 2021).

  • And since 2019, I’ve blocked every meaningful gun-safety bill from reaching the State Senate.

12 school shootings in Georgia in 2022.

“Three times we scheduled meetings with Senator Albers.
Three times he stood us up.”

A Georgia Majority for Gun Safety representative at the recent State Senate press conference with JD Jordan calling for basic gun-safety measures in response to the Apalachee High School shooting.

11 school shootings in Georgia in 2021.

It’s time to hold me accountable.

  • Contact my office at 404-463-8055 and demand that I support and help enact common-sense gun-safety policies such as safe-storage requirements, red-flag laws, and mandatory waiting periods on firearm purchases.

  • Then vote out elected officials like myself who refuse to take action to protect our children. As Chairman of the Senate Public Safety Committee, I am uniquely positioned to continue blocking gun-safety in Georgia.

And 6 more school shootings before those.

Since I won’t do the job, you should support JD Jordan.

I remain the greatest obstacle to meaningful common-sense gun-safety in Georgia and have yet to acknowledge the Apalachee High School shooting.

Meanwhile, my opponent JD Jordan recently joined State Senate leaders calling for our Legislature to prioritize safe-storage, background checks, and extreme risk “red flag”laws when the new session convenes in January.

As I’ve said before, “[JD Jordan] prioritizes their children, family, and home above politics” and I stand by that statement.